In China (on septemper 10th)Teachers' day in China was Canceled in 1951 and recovered on Septemper 10 since 1985. There are some people proposal the birthday of Confucius as Teachers' day.Usually there are some activities for the students to show their appreciation to the teachers, such as presenting gifts including cards and flowers. In Taiwan (on septemper 28th) The day honors teachers' virtues, pains, and also their contribution not only to their own students but also to the whole society. People often make use of the day to express their gratitude to their teachers, such as paying them a visit or sending them a card. This date was chosen to commemorate the birth of Confucius, believed to be the model master educator in ancient China. In 1939, the Ministry of Education established the national holiday to be August 27, the attributed birthday of Confucius. In 1952, the Executive Yuan changed it to September, stating that it was calculated to be the precise date in the Gregorian calendar. The festival celebration occurs in the temples of Confucius around the Taiwan island, known as the "Grand Ceremony Dedicated to Confucius" (祭孔大典). The ceremony begins at 6 AM with drum beats. 54 musicians dress in robes with blue belts, 36 (or 64) dancers dress in yellow with green belts. They are led by Confucius's chief descendant (currently Kung Te-cheng) and followed by ceremonial officers. Three animals—the cow, the goat, and the pig—are sacrificed. The hairs plucked from these sacrificed animals are called the Hairs of Wisdom. In addition, local education institutes and civil offices award certain teachers for their excellence and positive influence. |
more information about "Grand Ceremony Dedicated to Confucius" (祭孔大典)
A short film of "Grand Ceremony Dedicated to Confucius"