
2012年2月16日 星期四

Futurama S01E04 "Love's Labous Lost in Space"

Story Outline:
Because The planet Vergon 6 is going to explode , Leela decides to rescue the animals on the dying planet.

Then Leela meets the Captain Zapp Brannigan who starts to chase her after their sex.

The crew don't  success to save any animals on the list, because one unknown animal they find eats all others.

After they escape, Leela decides to keep the unknown animal as her pet and names it as Nibbler .


Then they are in a crisis  that the space ship is out of fuel and the planet is going to explode.

Fortunately they discover that the poop of the unknown animal is the dark matter which could be used as  substitutive fuel.



1. Lieutenant Kif call the captain 'Jackass' when Kif brings Leela to the captain.

2. When the professor explains the situation of the Planet Vergon 6, he tries to avoid the question about the fate of the animals.


This episode introduces three new characters,the Captain Zapp Brannigan ,Lieutenant Kif Kroker and Nibbler.
