
2012年2月24日 星期五

Futurama S01E08 "A Big Piece Of Garbage"

Story Outline:
Professor finds there is a huge stinky garbage ball flying to Earth.

The army can not use the missiles to destroy the garbage ball because it's too sticky,

so humans makes another garbage ball to push the old one into the sun.


Punch Lines:

When Leela asks how about the new garbage ball they just created,what if it flies back to Earth again.

The professor says "who cares, it will be the problem after 1000 years later."

Fry says:"That's 21st century's spirit".


In the future, everything will be recycled, so there is no garbage any more.People even don't know how to create garbage. Fry is the only one who knows how to make garbage , so he becomes a hero by teaching people how to create another garbage ball. When Fry is teaching the mayor how to make garbage, Fry throws the mayor's picture of his wife on the floor and says "Now, it's a pure garbage". Somehow this makes me laugh.


I really like the topic of this episode that talks about our garbage problems.Especially when Fry says "That's the 21st century's spirit", it's a real good sarcasm.

2012年2月22日 星期三

Futurama S01E07 "My ThreeSuns"

Story Outline:
Bender becomes the new chef of the team, but his cooking is so awful.

Before Fry delivers the new cargo,he gets so thirsty  because of eating Bender's salty meals.

After the long trip in the desert , Fry finds a bottle of water in the castle where he should send the good and drink the water up as soon as possible.

However, That liquid in the bottle is the emperor of this kingdom. According to the aqua-people's convention, Fry becomes the new emperor and starts to enjoy the life of the nobility.


Then, they finds out the previous emperor is still alive in Fry's body.

The aqua-emperor orders his people kill fry and rescue him.

The crew need to get the emperor out of Fry's body before he gets killed. Leela finds a way to achieve it which is beating Fry and making him cry out the emperor.

Finally, the emperor escape from Fry's body. Everyone celebrates with continuing beating stupid Fry who did a mistake again with drinking the emperor.


Punch Lines:

After Fry said that he knew how to deliver the package confidently, he leaves to deliver the package without the package.

Leela warns Fry how dangerous it is to be their emperor since all the previous emperors all died in a week. Fry doesn't heed her words and says "what will happen on me, like someone drink me up?". Then a straw sticks out and try to draw Fry.


As usual, Fry makes problems again and Leela saves him.

Leela is really reliable and has saved Fry's life so many times. Without Leela, Fry must have died more than 10 times in the future.

2012年2月18日 星期六

Futurama S01E06 "A Fishfull of Dollars"

Story Outline:
The balance of Fry's bank account increased to millions in the future.

Fry becomes rich and  starts to collects many antiques of 20th century.

The ancient life style with all the old stuffs trigger his home-sickness.

He stays at home everyday and misses the past.


Leela and Bender tell him that he should focus his life on reality but memory, but it doesn't help Fry's situation.

Mom, who is the riches woman in the world, wants one of Fry's collections, an anchovies can.

Since Mom can not buy the anchovies can from Fry, she plots to make Fry bankrupt and force him to sell the can.

During Mom's deception, Fry realizes how important his friends are for him.

After he loses all his money and property , he decides to share the last thing he has, the anchovies can, with his friends.



In the future, the companies even can broadcast ads in people's dream.

When Fry is listening the rap music, Leela says that he should not stay at home whole day and just listen the "classic" music.


This episode show Fry's home-sickness and makes him appreciates his new life in the future.

As usual, I appreciate the emotion development in the story.

2012年2月17日 星期五

Futurama S01E05 "Fear oF A Bot Planet"

Story Outline:
This time the crew needs to deliver a package to a planet of robots.

All the robots on this planet are dangerous because they hate and will kill all humans then find, so Bender is the only one who can deliver the cargo.

After Bender ,who is the only one robot in the crew, leaves the ship to deliver the cargo, Fry and Leela receive the message of that Bender is asking for help because he gets caught.


When Fry and Leela try to rescue Bender, they find that Bender is accepted by the robots and safe.

However, the robots capture and plan to kill Leela and Fry.

The elders of the robots ask Bender to put death on Leela and Fry.

Bender refuses to kill them and help Fry and Leela escape.

Before they runs away, Bender gives the robots the package and make all the robot happy.



When the elders try to catch the crew, Fry lies that he can breath fire and try to scares the robot. The robot elders can not remember if humans actually can do that or not because the robots makes too many human-fiction movies. They get confused what is truth or lie about human.


Though Bender is a jerk usually, he still show some merit at some critical moment.

2012年2月16日 星期四

Futurama S01E04 "Love's Labous Lost in Space"

Story Outline:
Because The planet Vergon 6 is going to explode , Leela decides to rescue the animals on the dying planet.

Then Leela meets the Captain Zapp Brannigan who starts to chase her after their sex.

The crew don't  success to save any animals on the list, because one unknown animal they find eats all others.

After they escape, Leela decides to keep the unknown animal as her pet and names it as Nibbler .


Then they are in a crisis  that the space ship is out of fuel and the planet is going to explode.

Fortunately they discover that the poop of the unknown animal is the dark matter which could be used as  substitutive fuel.



1. Lieutenant Kif call the captain 'Jackass' when Kif brings Leela to the captain.

2. When the professor explains the situation of the Planet Vergon 6, he tries to avoid the question about the fate of the animals.


This episode introduces three new characters,the Captain Zapp Brannigan ,Lieutenant Kif Kroker and Nibbler.

2012年2月12日 星期日

S01E03 "I, Roommate"

Story OutLine:

Fly lives in the office since he starts work in Planet Delivery.

Because he interferes the business of the company, he gets kicked out and needs find a new place to live.

Bender invites Fly to live with him kindly.

Unfortunately, Bender's apartment is only 2 cube-meters big.

It's too small for a human to live, so Fly and Bender decide to find a new place for them.

They finally find a awesome apartment with a big TV which they care most.

They find out Bender's antenna interferes the TV signal, so Bender moves back his old apartment.

Bender feels so sad and his life become a mess.

After Leela's advice, Bender and Fly make up. Fly decides to move the Bender's apartment and live with him.

Then, Fly finds out the closet of Bender's apartment is  as big as a normal apartment.

The problems is solved.

Punch Lines:

The reason Bender invites Fly to be his roommate because Bender wants a pet.

Bender sleep-talks "Kill all humans, must kill all humans".


The one talks about the friendship between  Fly and Bender.

I like how their friendship develops.

2012年2月11日 星期六

Futurama S1E2 "The Series Has Landed"

S1E2  "The Series Has Landed"

Story OutLine:

Leela become the new captain of the team.

Hermes is accountant, Amy is an intern.

Dr. Zoidberg is their docter who doesn't know much medicine about human.

Amy is intern. The rich Wang.

Their 1st mission is going to the moon and deliver some stuffed toy.

Leela is so kind to bring Fly to have a tour on moon because going to the moon used to be Fly's dream.

They have accident and get lost on the moon.

Later, they find a barn as a shelter.

Bender flirts with the Farmer's robot daughter,so they need to run away the angry farmer.

They find the 1st moon lading shuttle as another shelter.

At the end, Amy pilots the space ship to rescue them from the farmer pursuing them.

Punch-Lines And My favorite part:

Bender dances to distract and steal Amy's wallet.

Fly wants to count down before the launch of the spaceship,but spaceship arrives moon before he counts to 3.

Amy get upset and say "AIYA"(Chinese sigh).

Zoidberg is a doctor who even can not tell Fly's gender.


this one simply show Fly and Bender making problems in the story, and Leela save them from troubles.

2012年2月10日 星期五

Futurama S1E1 "Space Pilot 3000"

S1E1 "Space Pilot 3000"

Story Outline:
Fly is a pizza delivery boy in the year 2000.

He runs into a human Freezing Lab on the year 2000th`s New Year's eve and  gets frozen for 1000 years.

He thinks he could have a new life in the future, but computer decides his job is delivery boy again.

So the officer Leela starts to chase Fly who runs away from his assignment.

Fly makes friends with Robot Bender while trying to avoid  being caught by Leela.

After Fly gives up running, Leela decides not to force Fly into accepting  the fate he doesn`t like and she quits her job as well.

Then they find Fly's great (x30) nephew, professor Farnswarth.

Professor  hires three of them  at his delivery business to help them.

This is how the story starts.


In the future, everything is so convenient. They even have suicide booths.

The employee of the freezing company always says "Welcome to the FUTURE" as an opening when someone gets unfrozen.